Blakes 7 - Season 1


Just thought I'd step you guys through the opening credits. First of all you can see how totally original Blakes 7 is...yup... not trying to send up any established science fiction legends with this logo way, no sir.

AH! Here we go! The logo has put some clothes on. Thank god.

This is Officer Friendly. Still in the opening credits and he raises a gun and shoots it directly into the audience.

Our first view of the Liberator, spaceship of our heros... Also the first solid hint about just how bad the special effects are going to be.

Still in the opening credits, the Liberator races by...
You can see the cardboard-cut-out jerk uncontrollably as it is pulled across the space backdrop...which is also cardboard... Yup, two pieces of cardboard experiencing friction!!
We won't see effects like this ever again on TV....only in Danish sci-fi porn.

Blake HIMSELF! As rendered in very...pixelly..."GOD I WISH WE HAD A BBC MICRO!" kinda' way.

A Terry Nation CLASSIC!!!
I mean Terry Nation really knew how to come out with Shakespearian dialogue and titles -
"Investigate! Annihilate! DO NOT DEVIATE!"
Terry Nation wrote every episode of season 1, and the whole series has that Terry Nation magic -- to bad they didn't use the Daleks.

BUT who needs those damned silly looking Daleks anyway, NOT WHEN YOU HAVE --
The Robot of Death!

This robot was actually suppose to spread out his hands and threaten the crew. The crew were suppose to scream in horror and run for cover as the robot ruthlessly pursued.
They apparently tried a few takes but gave up the scene when no one could stop laughing.
What made it worse is that the robot was meant to have a "war cry".
It's a really hard sound to explain... Claire says it sounds like someone stepping on a cat. Ummm just listen for yourself.


One of the more fun characters in the series is a thief name Villa. They are constantly relying on him to pick locks, distract people with sleight of hand, or just be generally weird to people.
In this clip they are trying to destroy a Federation communications center - Villa politely approaches the local police about their mission in this scene.

Anyway this is a fun show and I thought I'd knock up this website whilst hung over! Hope it was vaguely interesting!